September 2023
Augusti 2023
27 Augusti 2023 - 02:25
Download redhawk alarm
Documented that StreamQueue is supported in neither VITA49 nor SDDS.
Listener allocations are supported but no longer required.
Return a data structure on allocation with the appropriate data and control ports.
Express FRONTEND::transmitter_allocation::max_power in dBm instead of watts.
Expanded RFCapabilites to support sample rate and gain.
Added 'SettlingTime' to the frontend_tuner_status structure required properties.
Added sigma to the PathDelay description.
Expanded definition of hardware characteristics:.
Make RFInfo, NavData, GPS, and RFSource bi-directional.
Provided the ability to trace connections forwards and backwards:.
Established policies for transmit scheduling.
Improved support for transmit capabilities:.
Added FEI specialized device status messages.
Added generalized device status messages.
Added support for transmit and receive arrays.
Simplified receive digital channel (RDC) and transmit digital channel (TDC) devices.
Formalized bank of tuner (BOT) devices.
New model resolved ambiguities in "hard-wired" device chains.
Created Parent and Child devices in the same project.
Created a hierarchical model for FEI devices:.
The following features were added in REDHAWK 3.0.0: Core Framework Features
Bundle the Manual with the Core Framework.
Convert the Core Framework to use Java 11.
Convert the Core Framework and the Assets to use Python 3.
Convert the Core Framework and the Assets to use C++ 14.
Support for running Components in Docker containers.
Om Mig: