
What states are commonwealth states
What states are commonwealth states

The National Cabinet is chaired by the Prime Minister and comprises all state premiers and territory chief ministers. The National Cabinet was established on 13 March 2020 and meets regularly to collaborate on matters of national significance and importance. The Commonwealth-State Relations team maintains the ACT Government’s relationships with Commonwealth and state and territory government officials through various sub-forums and officials level working groups including the First Secretaries Group and First Deputies Group. The Commonwealth-State Relations branch within the Policy and Cabinet Division supports participation by the ACT Chief Minister, ACT Head of Service and senior executives by providing critical analysis and advice on national policy issues.

what states are commonwealth states

Participants represent the ACT in discussions about national policy issues and agreements and collaborate with Australian Government and state and territory government leaders to progress work on issues of national significance. The ACT Government participates in several intergovernmental forums including the National Cabinet and the Council for the Australian Federation.

  • Office of the Coordinator General for Climate Action.
  • Strengthening ACT Government Performance and Accountability.
  • Review of the ACT’s Integrity Commission Act 2018.
  • Office of Industrial Relations and Workforce Strategy.
  • Daylight Saving and Public Holidays in the ACT.
  • Chief Minister's Congratulatory Letters.
  • what states are commonwealth states

  • ACT Emerging Scientist of the Year Award.

  • What states are commonwealth states